Country of Origin Certificates
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Certificate of Origin is an instrument which establishes evidence of origin of goods imported into any country. The Certificate of Origin carries many other points of information such as what the product is, its destination and the countries of export. It also proves that the commodity exported is wholly obtained, manufactured or produced in India. It is a necessary instrument for export or cross-border trades, as agreed upon by trade agreements and treaties by nations.
A Certificate of Origin is issued by both the Indian Chamber of Commerce as well as Trade Promotion Council of India. Millions of Certificates of Origins are issued around the world to facilitate trade and commerce worldwide. The main requirement for a Certificate of Origin is for clearing customs. The Certificate of Origin is used by the Customs officer to determine the duties that have to be paid and to check whether the goods being exported/imported are illegal. This certificate is also an important requirement for availing any benefits that the exporter might be eligible for based on the product exported and the destination country.
We help you obtain this certificate from the relevant authorities by filing an application on your behalf. Contact us for further details.